Workplace Safety Violation and Workers’ Compensation

What Are OSHA Violations

OSHA issues the violation reports every year which are very serious and most cited. These are those violations that may cause a very serious injury or even may become the cause of death. These violations only take place when the companies or their employees do not follow the standard safety requirements either willingly or mistakenly. The companies have to pay the fine which is dependent on the harshness of violations.

OSHA Violations & Citations

OSHA sets some standards or rules which every company has to follow for their safety. If any company does not follow those standards then the company is doing the OSHA violation. And there are some of the OSHA violations which do not place the employees of the company at risk. Safety Training in Houston by Lonestar  can assist in this matterWhile the Citation is that which is issued for only addressing that there happens the violation of the OSHA rules or standards in the company and the safety hazards which are recognized by the Compliance officer of OSHA.

Whenever the company gets the notice from the OSHA, they must post the notice at the place where the violation is occurring so that the employees read it carefully and be attentive to not to repeat that violation again or for safety.

Types of OSHA Violations

There are various types of OSHA violations that are now easy to detect by the employees or companies. OSHA puts the list of violations on the website, so it becomes very easy to check and understand. If the company is audited by any other company which is a safety-related company, it will be beneficial for the company to follow the OSHA standards.

Here we will discuss some types of OSHA Violations which are listed by the OSHA and each violation has its own penalty.


  1. Willful or Repeated violation

This type of violation is very serious. When the employer of the company knows that there is a risk and he does not resolve it and intentionally does not follow the safety measures, then this type of violation occurs. And in case any citation is issued to the company already within the last three years, the company will have to pay the harder penalties for the repeated violation. Safety Audit in Houston by Lonestar can assist to reduce the risk involved. There is a risk involved in this type of violation for the employees. The fine or penalty will be reduced which is dependent on the workforce of the company.

Number of Employees Percentage of Fine Reduced
10 or fewer 80
11-20 60
21-30 50
31-40 40
41-50 30
51-100 20
101-250 10
251 or more 0

Common OSHA Violations

There are some violations which can be easily resolved. Some common OSHA Violations are here:

Fall Protection in Construction

The employers of the construction company must have to provide the safe and good working environment for the protection of this type of risk. The company should give the proper training to their employees regarding the safety.

Hazard Communications in General Industry

The companies which are making the products made from the chemicals or which are hazardous, they should make label of the danger on the product. This is the requirement from the OSHA that it must be done by the importers when these products are transported.

Scaffolding General Requirements in Construction

The requirement of OSHA in this type is that the employees or workers of the company will wear the equipment of fall protection which is approved by the OSHA all time. OSHA has strict rules for the construction environment.

  • Assessments are required to assess the constancy of the scaffolding.
  • The company cannot over-exceed the specific weight restrictions.

The most important requirement at the end by the OSHA is that the scaffolding must not be placed near the power lines.

Can OSHA Fine Employees?

OSHA only fines to the business owners or the employers who are responsible to follow the OSHA rules and standards. When they will do any violation, OSHA will fine to them. And the OSHA cannot fine to the employees.

How to Reduce OSHA Violations

The company can reduce the OSHA Violations when the employers or managers of the company will train the employees properly and provide the awareness of the OSHA standards and rules. If there is any violation occurred in the company, they should resolve it immediately. This will help in ensuring the experts that the company is meeting all the requirements by OSHA.

For any consultation, Contact our team today or safety training in Houston.


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